full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Ryan Martin: Why some anger can be good for you

Unscramble the Blue Letters

I want you to iiagnme that you get a text from a friend, and it reads, "You will not believe what just happened. I'm so mad right now." So you do the dutiful thing as a friend, and you ask for details, and they tell you a story about what happened to them at the gym or at work or on their date last night. You listen, and you try to understand why they're so mad. Maybe you even slceerty judge whether or not they should be so mad. (Laughter) Maybe you even offer some suggestions. Now, in that moment, you are doing essentially what I get to do every day because I'm an anger researcher, and as an anger researcher, I spned a good part of my professional life - who am I kidding, also my personal life - (Laughter) sinyudtg why people get mad. I sduty the types of thoughts they have when they get mad and even what they do then, whether it's getting into fights or breaking things or even yelling at people in all caps on the Internet. (Laughter) As you can imagine, when people hear I'm an anger researcher, they want to talk to me about their anger and srhae with me their anger stories. It's not because they need a tprahiset, though that does sometimes happen, it's really because anger is universal. It's something we all feel, and it's something they can relate to. We've been feeling it since the first few months of life, when we didn't get what we wanted and our cries of protests, things like, "What do you mean, you won't pick up the rattle, dad? I want it!" (Laughter) We feel it throughout our teenage years, as my mom can certainly attest to with me. Sorry, mom. We feel it to the very end. In fact, anger has been with us at some of the wrost mnomets of our lives; it's a natural and expected part of our grief. But it's also been with us at some of the best moments of our lives, with those special oacniocss like wnddgeis and vacations often marred by these eydvarey frustrations - bad weahter, tarvel delays - that feel horrible in the moment but then are ultimately forgotten when things go okay. So I have many conversations with people about their anger, and through those conversations, I've laerend that many ppleoe - and I bet many people here right now - you see anger as a problem. You see the way it interferes in your life, the way it damages raihslopneits, maybe even in a way that's scary. And while I get all of that, I see anger a little differently, and today I want to tell you something important about your anger, and it's this: Anger is a powerful and healthy force in your life. It's good that you feel it. You need to feel it. But to understand all of that, we have to back up and talk about why we get mad in the first pcale. A lot of this goes back to the work of an anger researcher named Dr. Jerry Deffenbacher, who wrote about this back in 1996 in a book ctehapr on how to deal with problematic anger. For most of us - and I bet most of you - it flees as simple as this: I get mad when I'm provoked. Right? You hear it in the language people use. They say things like, "It makes me so mad when people drive this slow." Or "I got mad because she left the milk out again." Or my favorite: "I don't have an anger problem; people just need to stop messing with me." (Laughter) Now, in the spirit of better understanding those types of provocations, I ask a lot of people, including my friends and ceoaluegls and even family, "What are the things that really get to you? What makes you mad?" And by the way, one of the advantages of being an anger researcher is that I've spnet more than a decade generating a comprehensive list of all the things that really itratrie my colleagues. Right? Just in case I need it. (Laughter) But their answers are fitinasancg because they say things like, "When my storps team loses," "People who chew too lduloy." And it's surprisingly common, by the way. (Laughter) "People who walk too slowly." That one's mine. And of course, roundabouts. Right? Roundabouts. (Laughter) I can tell you honestly, there is no rage like roundabout rage. (Laughter) Sometimes their answers aren't minor at all. Sometimes they talk about racism and sexism and bnlilyug and environmental destruction, big global problems we all face. But sometimes, their answers are very specific, maybe even oddly sicifepc. "That wet line you get across your shrit when you accidentally lean against the ctueonr of a public bathroom." (Laughter) Yeah, super gross, right? Or, "Flash drives - there's only two ways to plug them in, so why does it always take me three tries?" (lehgautr) Whether it's minor or moajr, whether it's general or specific, we can look at these examples, and we can taese out some common themes. We get angry in situations that are unpleasant, that feel unfair, where our goals are blocked, that could have been avoided, and that leave us feeling powerless. This is a recipe for anger, but you can also tell that anger is probably not the only thing we're feeling in these sntoiuitas - right? Anger doesn't haeppn in a vacuum. We can feel angry at the same time that we're secard or sad or feeling a host of other emotions. But here's the thing. These provocations - they aren't making us mad. At least not on their own, and we know that because if they were, we'd all get angry over the same things, and we don't. The reasons I get angry are different than the reasons you get angry, so there's got to be something else going on. What is that something else? Well, we know what we're doing and fnelieg at the moment of that provocation matters. We call this the pre-anger state. Are you hgruny, are you tired? Are you anxious about something else, are you rniunng late for something? When you're feeling those things, those provocations feel that much worse. But what matters the most is not the povtorioacn, it's not the pre-anger state, it's this: it's how we interpret that provocation, it's how we make snese of it in our lives. When something happens to us, we first decide: is this good or bad; is it fair or unfair; is it blameworthy; is it punishable? That's primary appraisal, it's when you evaluate the event itself. We decide what it means in the context of our lives, and then, once we've done that, we decide how bad it is. That's secondary appraisal. We say, "Is this the worst thing that's ever happened, or can I cope with this?" To irlauttlse that, I want you to imagine you are driving somewhere. Before I go any further, I should tell you if I were an evil geiuns, and I wanted to create a siutoitan that was going to make you mad, that situation would look a lot like driving. (Laughter) It's true. You are, by definition, on your way somewhere, so everything that happens - traffic, other drivers, road cnstuotciron - it feels like it's blocking your galos. There are all these written and uirtntwen rules of the road, and those rules are rnelotuiy vaeotild right in front of you, usually without consequence. And who's violating those rules? Anonymous others, people you will never see again, maikng them a very easy target for your wrath. (Laughter) So you're driving somewhere, thus teed up to be angry, and the person in fnort of you is driving well below the seped liimt. It's frustrating because you can't really see why they're dnirivg so slow. Right? That's primary appraisal. You've looked at this and you said, "It's bad and it's blameworthy." But maybe you also decide it's not that big a deal. You're not in a hurry, doesn't matter. That's secondary appraisal. You don't get angry. But now imagine you're on your way to a job interview. What that person is doing - it hasn't changed. Right? So, paimrry appraisal doesn't change: still bad, still blameworthy. But your ability to cope with it sure does because all of a sudden, you're going to be late to that job iietevrnw. All of a sudden, you are not going to get your darem job, the one that was going to give you piles and pelis of money - right? (Laughter) Somebody else is going to get your dream job, and you're going to be broke. You're going to be destitute. You might as well stop now, turn around, move in with your parents. (Laughter) Why? Because of this person in front of me. Scratch that; this is not a person. This is a monster. (Laughter) And this monster is here just to ruin your life. (Laughter) Now, that thought process, it's called catastrophizing, the one where we make the worst of things. It's one of the primary tepys of thgothus that we know is associated with chronic anger. But there's a couple of others. Misattributing ciotsauan. agnry people tend to put blmae where it doesn't belong, not just on people, but actually inanimate objects as well. If you think that sounds rculidious, think about the last time you lost your car keys, and you said, "Where did those car keys go?" Because you know they ran off on their own. (Laughter) They tend to overgeneralize. They use words like always, never, every. "This always happens to me." "I never get what I want." Or, "I hit every sithglpot on the way here today." Demandingness - they put their own needs ahead of the needs of others. "I don't care why this person is driving so slow. They need to speed up or move over so I can get to this job interview." And finally, inflammatory labeling. They call people fools, idtios, monsters, or a whole bunch of things I've been told not to say in this TED talk. (Laughter) For a long time, psychologists have referred to these as cognitive dirntitosos or even irrational beliefs, and yes, sometimes they are irrational. Maybe even most of the time. But sometimes, these thoughts are totally rantiaol. There is unfairness in the wrlod. There are creul, selfish people, and it's not only okay to be angry when we're treated poorly, it's right to be angry when we're treated poorly. If there's one thing I want you to remember from my talk today, it's this: Your anger exists in you as an emotion because it offered your anecrtoss, both human and non hmuan, with an evolutionary advantage. Just as your fear alerts you to danger, your anger alerts you to injustice. It's one of the ways your barin communicates to you that you have had enough. What's more, it energizes you to confront that iujistcne. Think for a second about the last time you got mad. Your heart rate increased, your breathing increased, you satterd to sweat. That's your sahtmiptyec nverous system, or fight-or-flight system, kicking in to oeffr you the eenrgy you need to respond. And that's just the stuff you noticed. At the same time, your digestive system slowed down so you can conserve energy. That's why your mouth went dry. Your bolod vessels dilated to get blood to your extremities. That's why your face went red. It's all part of this cmpeolx pttearn of piocahlgoisyl experiences that esxit today because they helped your ancestors deal with cruel and unforgiving forces of nature. The prboelm is that the thing your ancestors did to deal with their anger, to pishclylay fihgt, they're no longer reasonable or appropriate. You can't and you shouldn't swing a club every time you're provoked. (Laughter) But here's the good news. You are capable of something your non-human ancestors weren't claapbe of, and that is the capacity to ralteuge your emotions. Even when you want to lash out, you can stop yourself, and you can channel that anger into something more productive. So often when we talk about anger, we talk about how to keep from getting angry. We tell people to calm down or relax; we even tell people to let it go. All of that assumes that anger is bad, and that it's wrong to feel it. But instead, I like to think of anger as a motivator. The same way your trsiht motivates you to get a drink of water, the same way your hngeur motivates you to get a bite to eat, your anger can motivate you to rnesopd to injustice. Because we don't have to think too hard to find things we should be mad about. When we go back to the beginning, yes, some of those things are silly and not worth getting angry over, but racism, sexism, bullying, environmental destruction - those things are real, those things are terrible, and the only way to fix them is to get mad first, and then channel that aegnr into fighting back. You don't have to fight back with aggression or hostility or violence. There are iifntine ways that you can express your anger. You can protest; you can write letters to the editor; you can donate to and volunteer for causes. You can create art; you can create literature; you can create poetry and music. You can ctraee a community that craes for one another and does not allow those atrocities to happen. So the next time you feel yourself getting angry, instead of trying to turn it off, I hope you'll listen to what that anger is telling you, and then I hope you'll channel it into something positive and productive. Thank you. (aspulape)

Open Cloze

I want you to _______ that you get a text from a friend, and it reads, "You will not believe what just happened. I'm so mad right now." So you do the dutiful thing as a friend, and you ask for details, and they tell you a story about what happened to them at the gym or at work or on their date last night. You listen, and you try to understand why they're so mad. Maybe you even ________ judge whether or not they should be so mad. (Laughter) Maybe you even offer some suggestions. Now, in that moment, you are doing essentially what I get to do every day because I'm an anger researcher, and as an anger researcher, I _____ a good part of my professional life - who am I kidding, also my personal life - (Laughter) ________ why people get mad. I _____ the types of thoughts they have when they get mad and even what they do then, whether it's getting into fights or breaking things or even yelling at people in all caps on the Internet. (Laughter) As you can imagine, when people hear I'm an anger researcher, they want to talk to me about their anger and _____ with me their anger stories. It's not because they need a _________, though that does sometimes happen, it's really because anger is universal. It's something we all feel, and it's something they can relate to. We've been feeling it since the first few months of life, when we didn't get what we wanted and our cries of protests, things like, "What do you mean, you won't pick up the rattle, dad? I want it!" (Laughter) We feel it throughout our teenage years, as my mom can certainly attest to with me. Sorry, mom. We feel it to the very end. In fact, anger has been with us at some of the _____ _______ of our lives; it's a natural and expected part of our grief. But it's also been with us at some of the best moments of our lives, with those special _________ like ________ and vacations often marred by these ________ frustrations - bad _______, ______ delays - that feel horrible in the moment but then are ultimately forgotten when things go okay. So I have many conversations with people about their anger, and through those conversations, I've _______ that many ______ - and I bet many people here right now - you see anger as a problem. You see the way it interferes in your life, the way it damages _____________, maybe even in a way that's scary. And while I get all of that, I see anger a little differently, and today I want to tell you something important about your anger, and it's this: Anger is a powerful and healthy force in your life. It's good that you feel it. You need to feel it. But to understand all of that, we have to back up and talk about why we get mad in the first _____. A lot of this goes back to the work of an anger researcher named Dr. Jerry Deffenbacher, who wrote about this back in 1996 in a book _______ on how to deal with problematic anger. For most of us - and I bet most of you - it _____ as simple as this: I get mad when I'm provoked. Right? You hear it in the language people use. They say things like, "It makes me so mad when people drive this slow." Or "I got mad because she left the milk out again." Or my favorite: "I don't have an anger problem; people just need to stop messing with me." (Laughter) Now, in the spirit of better understanding those types of provocations, I ask a lot of people, including my friends and __________ and even family, "What are the things that really get to you? What makes you mad?" And by the way, one of the advantages of being an anger researcher is that I've _____ more than a decade generating a comprehensive list of all the things that really ________ my colleagues. Right? Just in case I need it. (Laughter) But their answers are ___________ because they say things like, "When my ______ team loses," "People who chew too ______." And it's surprisingly common, by the way. (Laughter) "People who walk too slowly." That one's mine. And of course, roundabouts. Right? Roundabouts. (Laughter) I can tell you honestly, there is no rage like roundabout rage. (Laughter) Sometimes their answers aren't minor at all. Sometimes they talk about racism and sexism and ________ and environmental destruction, big global problems we all face. But sometimes, their answers are very specific, maybe even oddly ________. "That wet line you get across your _____ when you accidentally lean against the _______ of a public bathroom." (Laughter) Yeah, super gross, right? Or, "Flash drives - there's only two ways to plug them in, so why does it always take me three tries?" (________) Whether it's minor or _____, whether it's general or specific, we can look at these examples, and we can _____ out some common themes. We get angry in situations that are unpleasant, that feel unfair, where our goals are blocked, that could have been avoided, and that leave us feeling powerless. This is a recipe for anger, but you can also tell that anger is probably not the only thing we're feeling in these __________ - right? Anger doesn't ______ in a vacuum. We can feel angry at the same time that we're ______ or sad or feeling a host of other emotions. But here's the thing. These provocations - they aren't making us mad. At least not on their own, and we know that because if they were, we'd all get angry over the same things, and we don't. The reasons I get angry are different than the reasons you get angry, so there's got to be something else going on. What is that something else? Well, we know what we're doing and _______ at the moment of that provocation matters. We call this the pre-anger state. Are you ______, are you tired? Are you anxious about something else, are you _______ late for something? When you're feeling those things, those provocations feel that much worse. But what matters the most is not the ___________, it's not the pre-anger state, it's this: it's how we interpret that provocation, it's how we make _____ of it in our lives. When something happens to us, we first decide: is this good or bad; is it fair or unfair; is it blameworthy; is it punishable? That's primary appraisal, it's when you evaluate the event itself. We decide what it means in the context of our lives, and then, once we've done that, we decide how bad it is. That's secondary appraisal. We say, "Is this the worst thing that's ever happened, or can I cope with this?" To __________ that, I want you to imagine you are driving somewhere. Before I go any further, I should tell you if I were an evil ______, and I wanted to create a _________ that was going to make you mad, that situation would look a lot like driving. (Laughter) It's true. You are, by definition, on your way somewhere, so everything that happens - traffic, other drivers, road ____________ - it feels like it's blocking your _____. There are all these written and _________ rules of the road, and those rules are _________ ________ right in front of you, usually without consequence. And who's violating those rules? Anonymous others, people you will never see again, ______ them a very easy target for your wrath. (Laughter) So you're driving somewhere, thus teed up to be angry, and the person in _____ of you is driving well below the _____ _____. It's frustrating because you can't really see why they're _______ so slow. Right? That's primary appraisal. You've looked at this and you said, "It's bad and it's blameworthy." But maybe you also decide it's not that big a deal. You're not in a hurry, doesn't matter. That's secondary appraisal. You don't get angry. But now imagine you're on your way to a job interview. What that person is doing - it hasn't changed. Right? So, _______ appraisal doesn't change: still bad, still blameworthy. But your ability to cope with it sure does because all of a sudden, you're going to be late to that job _________. All of a sudden, you are not going to get your _____ job, the one that was going to give you piles and _____ of money - right? (Laughter) Somebody else is going to get your dream job, and you're going to be broke. You're going to be destitute. You might as well stop now, turn around, move in with your parents. (Laughter) Why? Because of this person in front of me. Scratch that; this is not a person. This is a monster. (Laughter) And this monster is here just to ruin your life. (Laughter) Now, that thought process, it's called catastrophizing, the one where we make the worst of things. It's one of the primary _____ of ________ that we know is associated with chronic anger. But there's a couple of others. Misattributing _________. _____ people tend to put _____ where it doesn't belong, not just on people, but actually inanimate objects as well. If you think that sounds __________, think about the last time you lost your car keys, and you said, "Where did those car keys go?" Because you know they ran off on their own. (Laughter) They tend to overgeneralize. They use words like always, never, every. "This always happens to me." "I never get what I want." Or, "I hit every _________ on the way here today." Demandingness - they put their own needs ahead of the needs of others. "I don't care why this person is driving so slow. They need to speed up or move over so I can get to this job interview." And finally, inflammatory labeling. They call people fools, ______, monsters, or a whole bunch of things I've been told not to say in this TED talk. (Laughter) For a long time, psychologists have referred to these as cognitive ___________ or even irrational beliefs, and yes, sometimes they are irrational. Maybe even most of the time. But sometimes, these thoughts are totally ________. There is unfairness in the _____. There are _____, selfish people, and it's not only okay to be angry when we're treated poorly, it's right to be angry when we're treated poorly. If there's one thing I want you to remember from my talk today, it's this: Your anger exists in you as an emotion because it offered your _________, both human and non _____, with an evolutionary advantage. Just as your fear alerts you to danger, your anger alerts you to injustice. It's one of the ways your _____ communicates to you that you have had enough. What's more, it energizes you to confront that _________. Think for a second about the last time you got mad. Your heart rate increased, your breathing increased, you _______ to sweat. That's your ___________ _______ system, or fight-or-flight system, kicking in to _____ you the ______ you need to respond. And that's just the stuff you noticed. At the same time, your digestive system slowed down so you can conserve energy. That's why your mouth went dry. Your _____ vessels dilated to get blood to your extremities. That's why your face went red. It's all part of this _______ _______ of _____________ experiences that _____ today because they helped your ancestors deal with cruel and unforgiving forces of nature. The _______ is that the thing your ancestors did to deal with their anger, to __________ _____, they're no longer reasonable or appropriate. You can't and you shouldn't swing a club every time you're provoked. (Laughter) But here's the good news. You are capable of something your non-human ancestors weren't _______ of, and that is the capacity to ________ your emotions. Even when you want to lash out, you can stop yourself, and you can channel that anger into something more productive. So often when we talk about anger, we talk about how to keep from getting angry. We tell people to calm down or relax; we even tell people to let it go. All of that assumes that anger is bad, and that it's wrong to feel it. But instead, I like to think of anger as a motivator. The same way your ______ motivates you to get a drink of water, the same way your ______ motivates you to get a bite to eat, your anger can motivate you to _______ to injustice. Because we don't have to think too hard to find things we should be mad about. When we go back to the beginning, yes, some of those things are silly and not worth getting angry over, but racism, sexism, bullying, environmental destruction - those things are real, those things are terrible, and the only way to fix them is to get mad first, and then channel that _____ into fighting back. You don't have to fight back with aggression or hostility or violence. There are ________ ways that you can express your anger. You can protest; you can write letters to the editor; you can donate to and volunteer for causes. You can create art; you can create literature; you can create poetry and music. You can ______ a community that _____ for one another and does not allow those atrocities to happen. So the next time you feel yourself getting angry, instead of trying to turn it off, I hope you'll listen to what that anger is telling you, and then I hope you'll channel it into something positive and productive. Thank you. (________)


  1. blame
  2. brain
  3. unwritten
  4. feeling
  5. idiots
  6. pattern
  7. construction
  8. sense
  9. causation
  10. situations
  11. cares
  12. fascinating
  13. scared
  14. sports
  15. world
  16. regulate
  17. piles
  18. imagine
  19. stoplight
  20. exist
  21. weather
  22. moments
  23. feels
  24. thoughts
  25. specific
  26. violated
  27. primary
  28. therapist
  29. anger
  30. sympathetic
  31. everyday
  32. share
  33. distortions
  34. studying
  35. spent
  36. driving
  37. capable
  38. illustrate
  39. energy
  40. fight
  41. making
  42. bullying
  43. interview
  44. relationships
  45. thirst
  46. goals
  47. people
  48. occasions
  49. worst
  50. applause
  51. happen
  52. human
  53. physically
  54. cruel
  55. limit
  56. hungry
  57. laughter
  58. genius
  59. place
  60. dream
  61. create
  62. infinite
  63. provocation
  64. blood
  65. angry
  66. counter
  67. learned
  68. respond
  69. complex
  70. loudly
  71. major
  72. running
  73. ridiculous
  74. rational
  75. irritate
  76. spend
  77. problem
  78. study
  79. speed
  80. colleagues
  81. tease
  82. nervous
  83. weddings
  84. injustice
  85. chapter
  86. types
  87. travel
  88. offer
  89. physiological
  90. started
  91. situation
  92. shirt
  93. ancestors
  94. secretly
  95. front
  96. routinely
  97. hunger

Original Text

I want you to imagine that you get a text from a friend, and it reads, "You will not believe what just happened. I'm so mad right now." So you do the dutiful thing as a friend, and you ask for details, and they tell you a story about what happened to them at the gym or at work or on their date last night. You listen, and you try to understand why they're so mad. Maybe you even secretly judge whether or not they should be so mad. (Laughter) Maybe you even offer some suggestions. Now, in that moment, you are doing essentially what I get to do every day because I'm an anger researcher, and as an anger researcher, I spend a good part of my professional life - who am I kidding, also my personal life - (Laughter) studying why people get mad. I study the types of thoughts they have when they get mad and even what they do then, whether it's getting into fights or breaking things or even yelling at people in all caps on the Internet. (Laughter) As you can imagine, when people hear I'm an anger researcher, they want to talk to me about their anger and share with me their anger stories. It's not because they need a therapist, though that does sometimes happen, it's really because anger is universal. It's something we all feel, and it's something they can relate to. We've been feeling it since the first few months of life, when we didn't get what we wanted and our cries of protests, things like, "What do you mean, you won't pick up the rattle, dad? I want it!" (Laughter) We feel it throughout our teenage years, as my mom can certainly attest to with me. Sorry, mom. We feel it to the very end. In fact, anger has been with us at some of the worst moments of our lives; it's a natural and expected part of our grief. But it's also been with us at some of the best moments of our lives, with those special occasions like weddings and vacations often marred by these everyday frustrations - bad weather, travel delays - that feel horrible in the moment but then are ultimately forgotten when things go okay. So I have many conversations with people about their anger, and through those conversations, I've learned that many people - and I bet many people here right now - you see anger as a problem. You see the way it interferes in your life, the way it damages relationships, maybe even in a way that's scary. And while I get all of that, I see anger a little differently, and today I want to tell you something important about your anger, and it's this: Anger is a powerful and healthy force in your life. It's good that you feel it. You need to feel it. But to understand all of that, we have to back up and talk about why we get mad in the first place. A lot of this goes back to the work of an anger researcher named Dr. Jerry Deffenbacher, who wrote about this back in 1996 in a book chapter on how to deal with problematic anger. For most of us - and I bet most of you - it feels as simple as this: I get mad when I'm provoked. Right? You hear it in the language people use. They say things like, "It makes me so mad when people drive this slow." Or "I got mad because she left the milk out again." Or my favorite: "I don't have an anger problem; people just need to stop messing with me." (Laughter) Now, in the spirit of better understanding those types of provocations, I ask a lot of people, including my friends and colleagues and even family, "What are the things that really get to you? What makes you mad?" And by the way, one of the advantages of being an anger researcher is that I've spent more than a decade generating a comprehensive list of all the things that really irritate my colleagues. Right? Just in case I need it. (Laughter) But their answers are fascinating because they say things like, "When my sports team loses," "People who chew too loudly." And it's surprisingly common, by the way. (Laughter) "People who walk too slowly." That one's mine. And of course, roundabouts. Right? Roundabouts. (Laughter) I can tell you honestly, there is no rage like roundabout rage. (Laughter) Sometimes their answers aren't minor at all. Sometimes they talk about racism and sexism and bullying and environmental destruction, big global problems we all face. But sometimes, their answers are very specific, maybe even oddly specific. "That wet line you get across your shirt when you accidentally lean against the counter of a public bathroom." (Laughter) Yeah, super gross, right? Or, "Flash drives - there's only two ways to plug them in, so why does it always take me three tries?" (Laughter) Whether it's minor or major, whether it's general or specific, we can look at these examples, and we can tease out some common themes. We get angry in situations that are unpleasant, that feel unfair, where our goals are blocked, that could have been avoided, and that leave us feeling powerless. This is a recipe for anger, but you can also tell that anger is probably not the only thing we're feeling in these situations - right? Anger doesn't happen in a vacuum. We can feel angry at the same time that we're scared or sad or feeling a host of other emotions. But here's the thing. These provocations - they aren't making us mad. At least not on their own, and we know that because if they were, we'd all get angry over the same things, and we don't. The reasons I get angry are different than the reasons you get angry, so there's got to be something else going on. What is that something else? Well, we know what we're doing and feeling at the moment of that provocation matters. We call this the pre-anger state. Are you hungry, are you tired? Are you anxious about something else, are you running late for something? When you're feeling those things, those provocations feel that much worse. But what matters the most is not the provocation, it's not the pre-anger state, it's this: it's how we interpret that provocation, it's how we make sense of it in our lives. When something happens to us, we first decide: is this good or bad; is it fair or unfair; is it blameworthy; is it punishable? That's primary appraisal, it's when you evaluate the event itself. We decide what it means in the context of our lives, and then, once we've done that, we decide how bad it is. That's secondary appraisal. We say, "Is this the worst thing that's ever happened, or can I cope with this?" To illustrate that, I want you to imagine you are driving somewhere. Before I go any further, I should tell you if I were an evil genius, and I wanted to create a situation that was going to make you mad, that situation would look a lot like driving. (Laughter) It's true. You are, by definition, on your way somewhere, so everything that happens - traffic, other drivers, road construction - it feels like it's blocking your goals. There are all these written and unwritten rules of the road, and those rules are routinely violated right in front of you, usually without consequence. And who's violating those rules? Anonymous others, people you will never see again, making them a very easy target for your wrath. (Laughter) So you're driving somewhere, thus teed up to be angry, and the person in front of you is driving well below the speed limit. It's frustrating because you can't really see why they're driving so slow. Right? That's primary appraisal. You've looked at this and you said, "It's bad and it's blameworthy." But maybe you also decide it's not that big a deal. You're not in a hurry, doesn't matter. That's secondary appraisal. You don't get angry. But now imagine you're on your way to a job interview. What that person is doing - it hasn't changed. Right? So, primary appraisal doesn't change: still bad, still blameworthy. But your ability to cope with it sure does because all of a sudden, you're going to be late to that job interview. All of a sudden, you are not going to get your dream job, the one that was going to give you piles and piles of money - right? (Laughter) Somebody else is going to get your dream job, and you're going to be broke. You're going to be destitute. You might as well stop now, turn around, move in with your parents. (Laughter) Why? Because of this person in front of me. Scratch that; this is not a person. This is a monster. (Laughter) And this monster is here just to ruin your life. (Laughter) Now, that thought process, it's called catastrophizing, the one where we make the worst of things. It's one of the primary types of thoughts that we know is associated with chronic anger. But there's a couple of others. Misattributing causation. Angry people tend to put blame where it doesn't belong, not just on people, but actually inanimate objects as well. If you think that sounds ridiculous, think about the last time you lost your car keys, and you said, "Where did those car keys go?" Because you know they ran off on their own. (Laughter) They tend to overgeneralize. They use words like always, never, every. "This always happens to me." "I never get what I want." Or, "I hit every stoplight on the way here today." Demandingness - they put their own needs ahead of the needs of others. "I don't care why this person is driving so slow. They need to speed up or move over so I can get to this job interview." And finally, inflammatory labeling. They call people fools, idiots, monsters, or a whole bunch of things I've been told not to say in this TED talk. (Laughter) For a long time, psychologists have referred to these as cognitive distortions or even irrational beliefs, and yes, sometimes they are irrational. Maybe even most of the time. But sometimes, these thoughts are totally rational. There is unfairness in the world. There are cruel, selfish people, and it's not only okay to be angry when we're treated poorly, it's right to be angry when we're treated poorly. If there's one thing I want you to remember from my talk today, it's this: Your anger exists in you as an emotion because it offered your ancestors, both human and non human, with an evolutionary advantage. Just as your fear alerts you to danger, your anger alerts you to injustice. It's one of the ways your brain communicates to you that you have had enough. What's more, it energizes you to confront that injustice. Think for a second about the last time you got mad. Your heart rate increased, your breathing increased, you started to sweat. That's your sympathetic nervous system, or fight-or-flight system, kicking in to offer you the energy you need to respond. And that's just the stuff you noticed. At the same time, your digestive system slowed down so you can conserve energy. That's why your mouth went dry. Your blood vessels dilated to get blood to your extremities. That's why your face went red. It's all part of this complex pattern of physiological experiences that exist today because they helped your ancestors deal with cruel and unforgiving forces of nature. The problem is that the thing your ancestors did to deal with their anger, to physically fight, they're no longer reasonable or appropriate. You can't and you shouldn't swing a club every time you're provoked. (Laughter) But here's the good news. You are capable of something your non-human ancestors weren't capable of, and that is the capacity to regulate your emotions. Even when you want to lash out, you can stop yourself, and you can channel that anger into something more productive. So often when we talk about anger, we talk about how to keep from getting angry. We tell people to calm down or relax; we even tell people to let it go. All of that assumes that anger is bad, and that it's wrong to feel it. But instead, I like to think of anger as a motivator. The same way your thirst motivates you to get a drink of water, the same way your hunger motivates you to get a bite to eat, your anger can motivate you to respond to injustice. Because we don't have to think too hard to find things we should be mad about. When we go back to the beginning, yes, some of those things are silly and not worth getting angry over, but racism, sexism, bullying, environmental destruction - those things are real, those things are terrible, and the only way to fix them is to get mad first, and then channel that anger into fighting back. You don't have to fight back with aggression or hostility or violence. There are infinite ways that you can express your anger. You can protest; you can write letters to the editor; you can donate to and volunteer for causes. You can create art; you can create literature; you can create poetry and music. You can create a community that cares for one another and does not allow those atrocities to happen. So the next time you feel yourself getting angry, instead of trying to turn it off, I hope you'll listen to what that anger is telling you, and then I hope you'll channel it into something positive and productive. Thank you. (Applause)

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
anger researcher 2
secondary appraisal 2
primary appraisal 2
job interview 2

Important Words

  1. ability
  2. accidentally
  3. advantage
  4. advantages
  5. aggression
  6. alerts
  7. ancestors
  8. anger
  9. angry
  10. anonymous
  11. answers
  12. anxious
  13. applause
  14. appraisal
  15. assumes
  16. atrocities
  17. attest
  18. avoided
  19. bad
  20. bathroom
  21. beginning
  22. beliefs
  23. belong
  24. bet
  25. big
  26. bite
  27. blame
  28. blameworthy
  29. blocked
  30. blocking
  31. blood
  32. book
  33. brain
  34. breaking
  35. breathing
  36. broke
  37. bullying
  38. bunch
  39. call
  40. called
  41. calm
  42. capable
  43. capacity
  44. caps
  45. car
  46. care
  47. cares
  48. case
  49. catastrophizing
  50. causation
  51. changed
  52. channel
  53. chapter
  54. chew
  55. chronic
  56. club
  57. cognitive
  58. colleagues
  59. common
  60. communicates
  61. community
  62. complex
  63. comprehensive
  64. confront
  65. consequence
  66. conserve
  67. construction
  68. context
  69. conversations
  70. cope
  71. counter
  72. couple
  73. create
  74. cries
  75. cruel
  76. dad
  77. damages
  78. danger
  79. date
  80. day
  81. deal
  82. decade
  83. decide
  84. deffenbacher
  85. definition
  86. delays
  87. demandingness
  88. destitute
  89. destruction
  90. details
  91. differently
  92. digestive
  93. dilated
  94. distortions
  95. donate
  96. dr
  97. dream
  98. drink
  99. drive
  100. drivers
  101. drives
  102. driving
  103. dry
  104. dutiful
  105. easy
  106. eat
  107. emotion
  108. emotions
  109. energizes
  110. energy
  111. environmental
  112. essentially
  113. evaluate
  114. event
  115. everyday
  116. evil
  117. evolutionary
  118. examples
  119. exist
  120. exists
  121. expected
  122. experiences
  123. express
  124. extremities
  125. face
  126. fact
  127. fair
  128. family
  129. fascinating
  130. fear
  131. feel
  132. feeling
  133. feels
  134. fight
  135. fighting
  136. fights
  137. finally
  138. find
  139. fix
  140. fools
  141. force
  142. forces
  143. forgotten
  144. friend
  145. friends
  146. front
  147. frustrating
  148. frustrations
  149. general
  150. generating
  151. genius
  152. give
  153. global
  154. goals
  155. good
  156. grief
  157. gross
  158. gym
  159. happen
  160. happened
  161. hard
  162. healthy
  163. hear
  164. heart
  165. helped
  166. hit
  167. honestly
  168. hope
  169. horrible
  170. host
  171. hostility
  172. human
  173. hunger
  174. hungry
  175. hurry
  176. idiots
  177. illustrate
  178. imagine
  179. important
  180. inanimate
  181. including
  182. increased
  183. infinite
  184. inflammatory
  185. injustice
  186. interferes
  187. internet
  188. interpret
  189. interview
  190. irrational
  191. irritate
  192. jerry
  193. job
  194. judge
  195. keys
  196. kicking
  197. kidding
  198. labeling
  199. language
  200. lash
  201. late
  202. laughter
  203. lean
  204. learned
  205. leave
  206. left
  207. letters
  208. life
  209. limit
  210. line
  211. list
  212. listen
  213. lives
  214. long
  215. longer
  216. looked
  217. loses
  218. lost
  219. lot
  220. loudly
  221. mad
  222. major
  223. making
  224. marred
  225. matter
  226. matters
  227. means
  228. messing
  229. milk
  230. minor
  231. misattributing
  232. mom
  233. moment
  234. moments
  235. money
  236. monster
  237. monsters
  238. months
  239. motivate
  240. motivates
  241. motivator
  242. mouth
  243. move
  244. music
  245. named
  246. natural
  247. nature
  248. nervous
  249. news
  250. night
  251. noticed
  252. objects
  253. occasions
  254. oddly
  255. offer
  256. offered
  257. overgeneralize
  258. parents
  259. part
  260. pattern
  261. people
  262. person
  263. personal
  264. physically
  265. physiological
  266. pick
  267. piles
  268. place
  269. plug
  270. poetry
  271. poorly
  272. positive
  273. powerful
  274. powerless
  275. primary
  276. problem
  277. problematic
  278. problems
  279. process
  280. productive
  281. professional
  282. protests
  283. provocation
  284. provocations
  285. provoked
  286. psychologists
  287. public
  288. punishable
  289. put
  290. racism
  291. rage
  292. ran
  293. rate
  294. rational
  295. rattle
  296. reads
  297. real
  298. reasonable
  299. reasons
  300. recipe
  301. red
  302. referred
  303. regulate
  304. relate
  305. relationships
  306. remember
  307. researcher
  308. respond
  309. ridiculous
  310. road
  311. roundabout
  312. roundabouts
  313. routinely
  314. ruin
  315. rules
  316. running
  317. sad
  318. scared
  319. scary
  320. scratch
  321. secondary
  322. secretly
  323. selfish
  324. sense
  325. sexism
  326. share
  327. shirt
  328. silly
  329. simple
  330. situation
  331. situations
  332. slow
  333. slowed
  334. slowly
  335. sounds
  336. special
  337. specific
  338. speed
  339. spend
  340. spent
  341. spirit
  342. sports
  343. started
  344. state
  345. stop
  346. stoplight
  347. stories
  348. story
  349. study
  350. studying
  351. stuff
  352. sudden
  353. suggestions
  354. super
  355. surprisingly
  356. sweat
  357. swing
  358. sympathetic
  359. system
  360. talk
  361. target
  362. team
  363. tease
  364. ted
  365. teed
  366. teenage
  367. telling
  368. tend
  369. terrible
  370. text
  371. themes
  372. therapist
  373. thirst
  374. thought
  375. thoughts
  376. time
  377. tired
  378. today
  379. told
  380. totally
  381. traffic
  382. travel
  383. treated
  384. true
  385. turn
  386. types
  387. ultimately
  388. understand
  389. understanding
  390. unfair
  391. unfairness
  392. unforgiving
  393. universal
  394. unpleasant
  395. unwritten
  396. vacations
  397. vacuum
  398. vessels
  399. violated
  400. violating
  401. violence
  402. volunteer
  403. walk
  404. wanted
  405. water
  406. ways
  407. weather
  408. weddings
  409. wet
  410. words
  411. work
  412. world
  413. worse
  414. worst
  415. worth
  416. wrath
  417. write
  418. written
  419. wrong
  420. wrote
  421. yeah
  422. years
  423. yelling